Saturday, 8 March 2014


The giver, the provider, the divine, the compassionate, warm, the one who can convert a house into a home- all these some things women are synonyms with. One wonders whether women have any rights amid a state of laws and statute books. But what do we see in practice? Women are treated a class apart. And who is guilty? Who is not? The entire society which includes man and woman. The then President of India Gian Zail Singh suggested action against mother-in-law for the perpetuation of the crime of dowry. Are women not the willing partners in the crime of  foeticide and infanticide? Who ever be the guilty, the women in India is paying a price for being a women. And this price she pays even before she is born and even as she reaches the twilight zone. she carries the cross right from the cradle lucky if she reaches it till she reaches the grave.All this gross injustice despite several laws that we enacted from time to time.Laws a plenty but no justice.
 Female foeticide is one of the primary causes of the declining child sex ratio, from 0 to 6 in our country. There are clinic golare in the cities across the country to determine the sex of the child yet to be born. Not all parents can afford amniocentesis or other costly tests so some of the poor women in certain parts of Tamil Nadu,Bihar and Rajasthan go in for crude methods of killing female babies as soon as they are born. The poor justify infanticide on the plea that they cannot builds up a dowry to get the child married.
   And married children do not even reach their adolescence the normal way as the parents get them married even as they, still remain toddles or just baby boys and girls. Long back a lone women  in Rajasthan , a sathin campaign against child marriage in her village was gang raped.
   The women in India can never take off her crown of thorn. Marriage is a solemn ceremony. But it is a night-mare for many parents who have daughters to get married. One can't guess how many innocent lives have been sacrificed at this altar of dowry: How many suicides and homicides, none can tell. One or two girls in Delhi or Tamil Nadu walk out of these marriage before they are solemnized. But the devil still stalks the women. Despite Law. Despite Punishment. Despite Seminars on dowry. Despite the law being made more stringent. Despite education. Despite several court rulings. Apart from dowry deaths, many incidents of torture by husband or in laws are also reported.
   Sexual harassment ? It does not begin at the work place. It begins early when the child is sexually abused by someone known to her. And as she grows, she no longer feels safe anywhere.
 Then where is women safe? Nowhere either in the home or outside. Neither During the day and the night. The other day a girl was raped while returning to home from office in Delhi.Death penalty has not brought down the incidence of heinous crime of murder and rape.
  We talk indignantly of the denial of human rights to different sections of the people in our country. But do our women who constitute nearly half of our  population enjoy basic human rights?

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


In our conservative Indian society, birth of a girl child has never been accepted with open arms-in many parts of the country. The word 'problem' being synonymous with "girl child", this concept has failed to change our social attitude since time immemorial. The arrival of a girl child is welcomed with gibe,taunt and jeers by others and with frustration, disappointment and grief by her parents. A girl child is our precious possession. Let us make every effort to protest our daughters so that they can bloom as beautiful flowers of the nation.
Examples of stalwarts like Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Kiran Bedi, Kalpana Chawla should be taken by the parents to give their girl child proper education so that even they can emulate these great lives and achieve success like them.


Dowry custom has been a case curse for India. Though India has a lot of problems to tackle today yet the biggest which the country is facing is dowry. Dowry infact has destroyed our economy. If the parents of the bride failed to meet the demands of a bridegroom  she is tortured. At time brides are burnt alive. Gandhiji had advocated to form a strong public opinion against this sin of the societ. It must be irradicated at any cost. The dragon of dowry is raising its ugly head in every society.


Every Individual has the right to get education.Women also have every right to get educated. If a country wants to make democracy a successful then women must be educated. They are the builders of happy home.
Without education women cannot cooperate with men either in political field or domestic affairs. Only if a women has been educated properly at home can remain uneffected by the evil effects of the modern society.The Heroic women of the year 2013 show has given the first place to Malala Yousafzai who won the hearts of millions other women around the world. From a teenage girl to an old woman, she was admired by everyone even men around the world. She totally owned the previous year 2013.She is now in the heart of every single children who is helpless, who is uneducated and who is fighting for their rights.